About Us
The Pool Painters are a Premium Gold Coast Based Pool Painting Company with Extensive Experience Specialising in Resurfacing Concrete, Fibreglass, Pebble Crete and Marblesheen Swimming Pools with Epoxy Resin And Renovating Swimming Pools Since 2001 and Started Painting Swimming Pools 2006 in Sydney Australia.
We have always traveled the East Coast Painting Pools and Had a Gold Coast Pool Painting Page in resent times have re located to Be near the worlds best Beaches and Swimming Pools
We believe in delivering the highest quality service for all jobs big and small and it is this dedication to customer service which has resulted in our reputation as the trusted name in Pool Painting.
We have Painted&Resurfaced Hundreds of Swimming Pools in Australia,Gold Coast,Brisbane,Noosa,Airlie Beach,Whitsundays,Port Douglas,Byron Bay,Tweed Heads,Sydney and Overseas USA.
We Resurface Commercial and Residential Swimming Pools Olympic Swimming Pools,Ponds Aquatic Facilities,Commercial Aquariums, Zoo Enclosures,Water Features and more.
We offer A 3 Coat System using Luxa Pool Paint We find that it is the Best on the Market in Australia.
Applying 3 Coats of Luxa Pool Paint gives a much Better Finish and Look than 2 coats and the lifetime of the surface increase many years.
Life Span Of a Pool Painting Finish.
A Swimming Pool Resurfacing Finish should last about a Decade with Proper Care and Water Balance witch Luxa Pool provides a balance to keep it at for a long life of your New Fresh Painted Pool .
Though we have have Swimming Pools that have been Finished Back in 2008 and still going Strong and look Fantastic.
Swimming Pool Painting/Resurfacing Prices.
Typical 7 Meter Long x 4 Meter Wide Swimming pool .$7,500.00 Aud.
Feel Free To Call Anytime. 07 5593 0932 Matt